Skills for Secondary School

Information and activities to help you in secondary school.

Skills for Secondary School

Going to secondary school is an exciting time.  Like any big change, you might be a little bit nervous too.  On these pages, you will find information and activities to help you prepare for this change.  There are information and resources to help you manage any anxiety you might be feeling.  There is advice about organisation skills such as time management, organising for your school day and finding your way around.  There is also a section on life skills.  These are the basic skills you need to be independent such as tying your own tie, making a snack and managing your own money.


Look out for these symbols for helpful advice and some activities to practice:


Managing Anxiety

Anxiety is a feeling of unease, such as worry or fear. Everyone will have feelings of anxiety at some point in their lives.  Try to remember that you are not the only one to feel anxious. It is completely ok to worry about starting a new school, meeting new people, finding your way around and school being quite different.

There are things you can do to feel more in control of your anxiety.  Click on the managing anxiety presentation for some strategies and advice.




  • The secondary school curriculum has two distinct phases: the broad general education (S1-S3) and the senior phase.  Education Scotland has some more information about Secondary School.
  • Parenting Across Scotland has a downloadable booklet Top 10 Tips on Starting High School.

Organisation Skills

At secondary school you will have more subjects and be moving around between classes. You will have more homework, books and resources too.  This means you will need to be a bit more organised and be able to manage your time and belongings to get everything done with less stress.  Sometimes simple, straightforward ideas can help to make life easier, both at home and in school. It may need a bit of trial and error to find out what works for you. Remember that putting in a bit of time and effort now to develop strategies will make your life a whole lot easier.

Click here for some strategies and advice.


Life Skills

Now you are going to secondary school you will want to be a bit more independent.  Learning basic life skills is the first step to independence. You will find information and advice here about tying your laces and your school tie, taking more responsibility in the kitchen (everything from getting yourself a drink, making yourself a snack or preparing a meal) and managing your money. 

Click here for more strategies and advice.