Organising Yourself

Learning to organise yourself and your belongings is an important part of moving through nursery/school. Allowing your child or young person to organise themselves and their belongings and to deal with the consequences when this goes wrong can be a helpful learning tool.

Click on the sections below for quick access to each area or scroll down the page to see all the content.

Getting Ready for Nursery/School

Encouraging your child to take responsibility and participate in getting ready for nursery/school is an important life skill. 

The following are useful strategies to use when helping your child to learn to organise themselves:

  • As tempting as it is don't take over.
  • Break the task down into manageable chunks.
  • There are different ways to learn; show your child, talk through the stages etc.
  • Practice, practice, PRACTICE makes perfect!
  • Problem solve together - don't correct them if they make a mistake but ask them what they need to fix.
  • Practice when you have time i.e. weekends or evenings.

For more information on homework have a look on the following websites:

Establish Daily Routines

Here are some tasks to build into your routines at home:

  • Pack your school bag making sure it contains any necessary homework, pencil case, lunch money, PE kit and snack.
  • Lay out school uniform, preferably in the correct order, to save an extra few minutes in the morning.
  • Make up the packed lunch (if required) and store in the fridge.
  • Set the alarm clock for the next morning allowing plenty of time for the morning routine.
  • Get dressed - avoid distractions and encourage your child to help as much as possible.
  • Eat a healthy breakfast; children learn better if they have had a good breakfast whether eaten at home or at a school Breakfast Club.
  • Make sure teeth get brushed.
  • Leave in plenty of time to get to school.
  • Arriving in good time gives children the chance to meet and make friends.

Managing Your Belongings

Many children and young people have difficulty with planning everyday tasks, particularly with time management and general organisation.  Sometimes simple, straightforward ideas can help make life easier at home and school.  It is important to plan ahead and try not to leave things until the last minute e.g prepare work, pack your bag and lay out clothes the night before.

Below are a list of checklists that may help your child organise themselves:

  1. School Bag Checklist
  2. P.E Bag Checklist
  3. Pencil Case Checklist

Managing Your Time

Managing time effectively helps the child with homework and exams.  It gives parents respite from nagging!! Learning to manage time can result in upset at first but with the right strategies and suggestions leads to a stress free life for both the child and the parents.

Homework is part of a child’s daily life.  After the school day having to sit down and do homework can cause stress for all the family.  Some children enjoy homework but others can find it frustrating, because homework tasks are beyond their skills and ability or simply take too long.  Setting smaller amounts of work and/or allowing extra time will often help.  Talk to your child about what they are finding difficult or why it is taking too long.  Is the work too difficult?  You should discuss this with the teacher in the first instance to see what can be done to help.

Click here to download a blank timetable that your child can use for managing their homework.

For more information on homework have a look on the following websites:


For More Information

Managing Your Money

As your child moves through school they may be expected to manage money for school lunches, bus fares and school trips.

Help them to learn about managing money.

For More Information

Organisation Skills

This downloadable pack contains a variety of ideas which you might find useful. It may require a bit of trial and error to find out what works for you, as we are all different, and what works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for another. But remember, that putting in a bit of time and effort now, can give you strategies which may make your life a whole lot easier.



As you can see, we all need help with our planning and organisation at times!!!

As discussed throughout the planning and organisation book, we all work in different ways. We hope that some of the strategies and ideas which are offered here, may be of some use to you………give things a try…..and remember…..


[Good Planning] + [Organisation] = [Less Stress] =  (Happy Bunny!)


The pack can be downloaded as one full version or in sections.

Skills for Secondary School

Going to secondary school is an exciting time.  Like any big change you might be a little bit nervous too.  On these pages you will find information and activities to help you prepare for this change.  There is information and resources to help you manage any anxiety you might be feeling.  There is advice about organisation skills such as time management, organising for your school day and finding your way around.  There is also a section on life skills.  These are the basic skills you need to be independent such as tying your own tie, making a snack and managing your own money.

For more information