Neurological Conditions Activity & Participation

Greater Glasgow & Clyde

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Activity and Participation

All children regardless of age or ability have the right to be active and participate in leisure activity, exercise and sport at school and in the wider community.  Children and young people who have a physical disability spend increased periods of time 'sitting' compared to those who do not have a physical disability.  Our aim is for them to remain physically active and healthy in their day to day life with purposeful, fun and competitive activities that are enjoyable.

All activities should make you breathe faster, feel warmer and stronger.  They may also make your daily routines more comfortable and efficient. 



Below are some useful websites to help with signposting and finding information on access:


A Local Information System for Scotland (ALISS) is a search and collaboration tool for Health and Well-being resources in Scotland. It helps signpost people to useful community support, and with an ALISS account, you can contribute to the many and varied resources that our local communities have to offer.


AccessAble gives you detailed information to work out if a place is going to be accessible to your child/young person.  Their Detailed Access Guides lets you know what access will be like when you visit.  It looks at the route you will use to get in and what is available.


Recommendations for Physical Activity

The Department of Health and Social Care have created infographics explaining the physical activity needed for general health benefits for all children and young people.

Suggestions for Activity and Participation

(Last updated April 2021)


If you have any questions please speak to your local paediatrician physiotherapy team.

We know there can be many challenges to accessing leisure and sport.  Below is a list of organisations that may be able to support your children and young people to get involved.


If you know of any other organisation or group not listed above please inform your Physiotherapist.